martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

martes, 10 de octubre de 2017

Levels of organization

As you know, organisms can be:
- Unicelular if they are formed by only one cell (Prokaryote cells)
- Multicellular if they are formed by more than one cell (Eukaryote cells)

 In multicellular organisms, such as animals and plants, groups of cells work together to carry out different functions. These are called levels of organization. 

  • A group of cells of the same type and with the same function form a tissue.
  • When tissues join together they form an organ.
  • A group of different organs working together makes up a system.
  •  Finally, different systems join together to make an organism.
So, an organism is made up of systems; a system is made up of organs; an organ is made up of tissues and a tissue is made up od cells.


Watch this video to understand it better!!! :)

jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017


Here there are some interesting videos about cells...

... and some songs too!! Have fun!!!

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

Living things

In this first unit of Natural Science we are learning a lot of things about living things. We were talking about biodiversity, the life processes that all living things carry out and now we are studying the cells.

- Biodiversity is the enormous variety of living things in our planet. There are more than two millions!!!

- All living things carry out three life processes
  • Nutrition: living things take in essential nutrients from their environment. These provides them with the energy they need.
  • Reproduction: living things create new members of their own species. There are different types of reproduction.
  • Interaction: living things detect information in their environment and react to it in different ways.

Here you have a beautiful video about the characteristics of living things!

Pruebas CDI 6º

Os dejamos estos enlaces para que veáis algunos ejemplos de las pruebas CDI de otros años. También tenéis enlaces para repasar contenidos de...