miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018


Esta semana nos hemos dado cuenta de que no recordamos demasiado bien las horas... Aquí os dejo este reloj para que vayáis practicando!!!


miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

European Economy

Once we have learned the economy sectors, we are going to pay attention to the situation of these sectors in Europe. Pay attention to this Prezi presentation:

domingo, 14 de enero de 2018

Population and economy in Spain

Here you have a presentation about the population and economy in Spain.

We have already studied the population, so you can read it again to remember what we learned during the first term. Connected to that, there is information about the three main economy sectors that we are studying now in class:

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

Talking about the past... PAST CONTINUOUS

This year we are learning how to talk about past experiences. We have already studied the Past Simple and Present Perfect tenses.

Now, we are going to talk about:
- Actions in progress at a particular time in the past (She wasn't paying attention -No estaba prestando atención-).
- Actions taking place at the same time (I was studying while he was watching TV - Estaba estudiando mientras él estaba viendo la tele)

- Actions in the past that are interrupted by other actions (I was watching TV when the phone rang - Estaba viendo la tele cuando sonó el teléfono)

Here you have more information:


You can practice here:


Pruebas CDI 6º

Os dejamos estos enlaces para que veáis algunos ejemplos de las pruebas CDI de otros años. También tenéis enlaces para repasar contenidos de...